List your property
for free
Promote your home on
Houston MLS (HAR)
Control your listing and
negotiate directly with prospective
Promote your home on
Houston MLS (HAR)
Control your listing and
negotiate directly with prospective
By listing on MLS, your property will automatically be referenced on multiple websites such as Zillow and Trulia so you get more exposure!
Most real estate agents charge 6% of the value of your property. For the average American home sale, that's over $20,000! List with us for free instead!
Your listing is linked to your own contact information so you can negotiate directly with prospective buyers!
Save on closing costs
Real estate agents typically charge 6% at closing (3% each side)
Save $12,000 with Listy
Listing on HAR MLS with essential details
3 months listing time
6 pictures
Listing on HAR MLS with full details
1 year listing time
Up to 40 pictures
Schedule one open house per month
Includes a free yard sign
Full service from our experts
Professional photos & listing
We handle all negotiations
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Any questions? Feel free to reach us out with below form.