List your property
for free

Promote your home on Houston MLS (HAR)
Control your listing and negotiate directly with prospective buyers

Market everywhere

By listing on MLS, your property will automatically be referenced on multiple websites such as Zillow and Trulia so you get more exposure!

$0 listing fee

Most real estate agents charge 6% of the value of your property. For the average American home sale, that's over $20,000! List with us for free instead!

Negotiate directly with buyers

Your listing is linked to your own contact information so you can negotiate directly with prospective buyers!


Save on closing costs

Real estate agents typically charge 6% at closing (3% each side)

Selling for

Save $12,000 with Listy

Using our approved title agencies
0% listing commission


$99 Free
  • Listing on HAR MLS with essential details

  • 3 months listing time

  • 6 pictures

Most popular


$499 $ 249 USD
  • Listing on HAR MLS with full details

  • 1 year listing time

  • Up to 40 pictures

  • Schedule one open house per month

  • Includes a free yard sign


3% 2%
  • Full service from our experts

  • Professional photos & listing

  • We handle all negotiations

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

Is it really free?
Yes, it is completely free! No hidden fees! You pay only if you choose to upgrade your package. You just need to close with one of our approved title agencies.
What if the buyer is represented by a realtor?
Even though it's illegal, many buyer agents will refuse to show a house if the seller does not offer them a commission, which is visible on your listing. You are free to offer them the traditional 3% commission or any other amount.
How will I know if buyers are interested?
Your listing will be linked with your own contact details so you will receive every request.
How do I update my listing?
Whenever you want to modify any detail on your listing, just contact us and we will update it.
What happens once I agree on a price with a buyer?
We can provide you a standard blank contract, or a dedicated transaction coordinator can manage the closing process for you. It's completely up to you!
How will I perform my transaction?
Once your contract has been negotiated with the buyer, just submit it to one of our approved title agencies to start your closing process and receive a full rebate of the listing commission.
Are there any extra fees at closing?
No, you will only pay standard closing costs as well as buyer commissions (if applicable).
Do you have any other advice?
Subscribe to our newsletter for free tips on how to sell your home at the best price!

Contact us

Any questions? Feel free to reach us out with below form.